Thursday, October 27, 2022

The Infinite Perfection

 The Infinite Perfection

This poem is written in the praise of Almighty whose attributes are infinite and his qualities can not be defined. He is the greatest acceptor of repentance and forgives his creatures. His blessings can never be counted and the satisfaction it brings can never be measured.
All will is thee’s,
All power is thee’s,
All the existence and actions depend upon thee,
All word said and taught is thee’s.

The Before the before,

The After the after,

The Ever-lasting, the Eternal,

The All-knowing, the Unimaginable,

The Eternal Grandeur.

The Purest.

The All-Hearing and the All-Seeing,

The most compassionate, the most Beneficent,

The Owner of the entire Creation,

From before the beginning and after the end,

The Devoid of all blemishes.

The greatest Savior,

The sublime Preserver and Comforter,

The Giver of peace and protection,

The most Glorious,

The most Merciful.

The only Uncreated Creator,

The Creator of the creation,

With perfect harmony,

The Creator who creates from nothing,

The irresistible Power.

The All-Controller,

The exceedingly Forgiving,

The Sustainer and Provider,

The Remover of difficulties,

The Inconceivable.

The Straightener of sustenance,

The Giver of wealth,

The Giver of immutable decisions,

The Bestower of bounties without limits,

The Exalter.

The Hearer of hearts,

The Seeing of all existence,

From atom to eternity,

The most Patient, the most Forgiving,

The Absolute Justice.

The most Affectionate,

The Knower of innermost secrets,

The Remover of all calamities

The best Safeguarder,

The best Purifier.

The Inexplicable,

The Easier of difficulties,

The Greatest Remover of sickness and poverty,

The Granter of self-sufficiency, honor and reverence,

The Remover of adversity.

The Creator bearing no resemblance to the created,

The most Unique,

The Self-existent, without needs,

The Illuminator of light of faith in the hearts,

The Greatest Supremacy.

The Omnipresent,

Where sights can’t reach,

Where minds can’t conceive,

The Knower of hidden occurrences,

The absolute and perfect Greatness.

The most Forgiving,

The most Forgiving,

The Giver of good deed with much greater reward,

The Higher than the created universe,

The most Gracious.

The Greater than the greatest,

The Creator of an atom,

And the Creator of infinity,

The divine Protector,

The Nourisher of all creation.

The most Benevolent,

The Forgiver of punishments,

Through mercy,

The sublime Caretaker,

The Answerer of all needs.

The greatest lover of his creation,

The nearer to us,

More than we are to ourselves,

The Inestimable love,

The All-Loving the All-Caring.

The Wisest,

The Knower of everything,

The most Venerable,

The most Majestic,

The Pure Perfection.

The Veracity,

The Resurrector of the dead,

The Possessor of all strength,

The Invincible,

The best Patron.

The greatest Succour,

The greatest Healer,

The greatest Pardoner,

The greatest Cherisher,

The greatest Knower.

The Bestower of goodness,

In the world and the world hereafter,

The most Clement.

The greatest Absolver,

The greatest Arbitrator.

The Lighter of hearts with divine light,

The Sublimity,

The Sovereign,

The All-knowing,

The most Compassionate.

The Repairer of the broken,

The Completer of the lacking,

The Eternal Glory,

The Controller of hearts,

The Controller of everything.

The Giver of all without limits,

Without conditions,

The Provider of divine light,

The one whose cognizance reaches the deepest and darkest,

Where neither human intelligence nor angels can penetrate.

The Creator of nourishment of his creation,

Before its creation,

The infinite Generosity,

The limitless vastness,

The only Praiseworthy.

The All-perceiving

The Originator of all,

The Ever-living and the Ever-lasting,

The far above the attributes of entire creation,

The All-Bountiful.

The most Exalted,

The Governor of the whole creation,

The Hinderer of harm,

The Free from want,

The Free from need.

The Conferer of all benefits,

The Light shed upon whole the creation,

That brought existence out of the darkness of non-existence,

The most Gracious,

The Omniscient.

The Infinite Perfection,

The Creator of everything that originated from nothing,

The All-Supporter,

The Sufficeth,

The One to whom all existence belongs,

And to whom all existence returns.


  1. How beautifully described the attributes of Almighty!

  2. It touched me very much and lovely lines May the Almighty bless you dear, touch the
    heights of success.

  3. It's written beautifully very impressive God bless!

  4. अतिसुन्दर रचना

  5. A commendable poem which truly defines the creator.

  6. It's written beautifully.🥰 May the All-Bountiful bless you!

  7. 👍👍👍👌👌
