Friday, January 14, 2022



Life is a journey which is endless and eternal. It is one of the mystery of God's creation. Journey of life has a destination also. There will be thousands of impediments on the way, but you have to overcome those by your efforts. Publilius Syrus once said," No one knows what he can do until he tries." Everyone in this world has the ability to do wonders. You have to surmount with all your strength. In the journey, the one who are able to reach their destination shine like sun as when we burn ourselves like sun, we shine like it. A quotation by Roy T. Bennet says, "Life is about accepting challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward and savoring the journey." Life without a goal is meaningless just like a dream without a goal is a fantasy and is worthless. A possible dream can be fulfilled by working hard. The journey of life is really strenuous. If you feel like quitting somewhere in your journey, remember how a child learning walking falls up and stands up again without losing hope and happily continues his journey of walking. Just think of the quotation by Bernard William that “There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.”

             Life without impediments is just like a plant growing up without soil. If you face the hurdles of life with courage then you'll one of those who have the strongest wings. No matter how long the journey of your life is, never get desperate and always be an optimist never a pessimist. If you want to elevate in life don't try to change others, start changing yourself. Even if you fail in the journey remember that the Almighty must have planned something better for you and also, “Failures are the ladders of success.” Making effort and failing isn’t bad but having fear and not making effort is worst. If you are in a difficult situation, have complete faith in God and remember that we don’t become brainly by eating almonds, but by fighting with situations. When you look upon the journey of life, you’ll see many obstacles as Joseph Crossman already said, “Obstacles are the things a person sees when he takes his eye off his goal.” Maybe you’re burnt in the journey but never forget what Abraham Lincoln said, “Test of fire makes a fine steel.” The route of the journey should be chosen very carefully because changing the route again and again will not make you reach your destination. “As you sow, so you reap.”  Life is not only about defeating the competitors and moving on, it is to take the weaker ones along with you and then reach the destination. If you want to achieve the ambition of your life then you need to be very diligent. Roy T. Bennet says, “Change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” The first and foremost thing of life is to start your journey. At last, you have to erase your identity if you want some position, just like a seed erases its identity to change and blossom to beautiful flower.


  1. It really touched me. I felt motivated after reading it.

  2. अति उत्तम 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  3. अति उत्तम👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  4. It is really motivate me.beacuse life is the greatest journey you will ever be on..

  5. What an inspirational piece of work

  6. Very nice ,n very motivational thoughts

  7. उत्कृष्ट!

  8. Heart touching thoughts♥️

  9. It really inspires me��

  10. Very well written..its really admiring

  11. ماشاءالله تباركالله

  12. Really true.ما شاءالله

  13. True and motivational insights into what life is !!
    Keep it up!

  14. Marvellous and very motivating…

  15. You are really good at your work!

  16. Incredibly expressed!
