Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Love and Sacrifice

Mother’s Sacrifice and Love

The sacrifice of a mother can not be explained,

It cannot be explained by words,

Cannot be explained by expressions,

Cannot be explained by anyone.

A pain of a mother is unbearable for anyone,

Even her closest friend wouldn’t understand,

The pain which a mother bears.

It can only be understood by the creator,

For it is insupportable.

A mother loves her child,

More than anything in this world,

She understands him the most,

Even when he doesn’t speak,

A mother never leaves her child, even in the most difficult times.

A mother relinquishes her own happiness,

To see her child in happiness.

A mother bears pain,

To see her child in a reputable state,

Some work hard to clear their debt,

And some squander the pain of their mother.

But a mother’s debt can never be cleared,

For it is eternal.

A mother has to endure,

The pain of her child,

When she carries him,

And when she cares him.

There’s no affiliation in this world,

Like between a mother and a child.

Mother is a heaven for her child,

In the ephemeral world.

After a new progeny is born,

The first stage of mother’s anguish comes to an end,

But a next stage awaits…