Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Online Teaching

               Online Teaching                           

Note- This article is only an expression based on the author’s perception, it has nothing to do with any caste, religion, sect, class, etc. It is not intended to hurt anyone’s feelings.
A proverb was heard, ‘thirsty goes to the well’, a few days later ‘well goes to the thirsty’. After this, ‘there is no thirst, there is no need to go’ and now it is alright sir! All are covered, satisfied, still the well has to go to the thirsty, otherwise nowadays, well, who asks a well in the era of R.O sir!
A new order “Work From Home” has been passed during the period of Covid-19. Actually, it should be “Work from Phone”, because without a phone, there is no option but to sweep, wash dishes and clothes at home. Some  promising brothers who are skilled in cooking have been entrusted with the task of making bread, uploading it on Fakebook, expressing fake smiles and love, they are whispering inside. I don’t know when the phone is shielded, when it is not pressed. 
With the release of Online Teaching decrees in schools, teachers who are not used to smartphones, who have already retired sometimes, thought that they got liberated at the right time. ‘Get millions if you save your life’. Some ignorant retire people are also thinking that nowadays people are getting a salary sitting at home, I wish, I too could see such a day!
Earlier there were only children in the class, now even the parents are sitting looking around. Sometimes there is confusion that the teacher is teaching the children or the children are teaching the teacher Online Teaching.
Look at the condition of some teachers who have a few years left to retire, at first, when they reached home, the children of the house would sit in a corner at once. Peace and peace in a single scold. But what has happened now? Even after Grandpa’s arrival, there has been so much whoopee. Grandpa says shut up, then also nothing happens.
The whole life was proudly called Master. Now you have to become a student of this group of naughty children. Hey! How will Online Teaching be done from mobile without them? The work that takes hours to do, how do the devil children do them in seconds do not know how? That too without learning. To learn it, Mastrji has to pay a heavy fee. Chocolate, ice creams, pizzas, burgers, etc. While teaching Grandpa-Zomato, Swiggy also gets an order, Grandpa does not even know. If at all, inquire about it or stare at the order. Immediately, they leave. Now do the google meeting tomorrow yourself! By putting big fodder, work have to be done. By accounting for the age, collecting the details of sin and virtue, spiritual practice had just started, not knowing which sin has resulted and the mountain of Online Teaching came. This day was still left to be seen.
In the second category, there are those who have passed some time while working and are left to spend a good time ahead. They wake up overnight to set up programs (PPTs, Videos etc.) to become smart like smartphones. While presenting in front of competitors in the morning, their wide chest as well as dark circles of eyes can be seen very clearly.
In the next category, they are young men and women, who are adept at doing this work, but they are usually contract or guest teachers. They are left sad that they have been made to sit at home despite knowing everything. They are doing real work from home without a phone.
There are some private schools, where they are doing this work well. But in the event of parents not being able to pay the fees, some are losing their jobs.
There are also the some knowledgeable people amongst fools, who have just got a fresh permanent appointment. Due to being knowledgeable in technology,  people are taking them with respect. Have been busy as a bee as soon as appointed. Seeing the condition of the senior people, they are thinking that without them the work will not work. There is a little hesitation due to being new, but from inside the smart crook youngsters are looking for opportunity when to get the compensation for this work.
Just like people cut the trowel when LIC agent calls, nowadays students are cutting the trowel when the teacher calls. Just as a frequent reminder comes for depositing bank loans or for mobile recharge, nowadays teachers are deployed and sending reminders on reminders for submitting assignments etc. Just like those who sell soap, oil etc. on a bus or train are stuck, it is impossible to get rid of them. Only a consummate can escape their eyes. Sometimes, it is so troubled that the mind to behave in a rude manner, but poor students, they have been taught the lesson of ‘Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu’ since childhood, otherwise their patience dam would have been broken by now. The children of villages are putting the fodder to buffalos and teachers are putting fodder to the classroom. This much activeness was not there in proper days also. Who is getting a government job by reading and writing? After doing so much reading and writing, if you want to do the same thing, then make a habit in advance. Once get used to running a pen, then the plow is not running
In early times when the great Kings Maharajas used to leave their children in the Gurukuls. There was no third man’s interference between the Guru and the student. Now the situation is such that whether it is as retarded, boisterous, foolish student, Can say him nothing.
Who were we (Vashistha, Vishwamitra, Radhakrishnan, Kalam etc.)? What happened (due to government and official system) and what will happen
now (owl, crow, eagle, vulture, etc.)? Come think about all these problems together.
The soul of our country (70% of the population) lives in villages, where the smell of a roti made from house to house on a clay stove preys on pizza-burgers. What happened is electricity is dark in their homes? But there is no dirt in their hearts, of course they are full of light. What happened is that there is no home-to-home network? But it's not like that, if we reach their home and we do not get food. What happened they do not have the messages of condolences in WhatsApp/Facebook on smartphones? But without them, a crowd of people shouldered Mayyat gathered in case of an accident even in a remote village. On any disaster, the entire village stands together in an instant without messaging on the group.
A person who has been hungry for four days is given two rotis on one side and a smartphone with facilities of 4G data/wi-fi etc. is put together in front of him, then first he will touch the smartphone only after eating two rotis. When a promising girl from primary
school was asked about the online teaching in the interview, she responded with innocence – “We also know a little about mobile too. Very good. We have no problem. Just give us a smartphone and give the facility of the net. We too will not lag behind in reading like the children of the city because I do not even have a basic phone.”
There was a time before, when a poor child used to come to school wearing old clothes and books, and torn shoes, then the upper class children used to make fun of them in the class. The child used to fall prey to inferior possibility in studying and in hard work. Today, by giving education to the class which has facilities and, denying education to the deprived class, aren't we making the children of those peasant laborers a victim of inferiority complex. Today, only on the strength of their hard work, we are eating food and sitting comfortably in high buildings. How many children do not even have a basic phone! Even if it is there it is not recharged, if it has been recharged then there is no electricity, if electricity has come, then there is no network! Whenever the network comes from the slightest rain and wind gust, it flies away! Here, some network comes only after walking on the road filled with mud 20 km. In such a situation, a large
group is suffering from depression due to deprivation of the said education. If we do not go to school, we are saved from the Covid-19, but we can't be saved from being a psychopath.
On the other hand, children who take the benefit of education after having all the facilities are studying for eight hours continuously. After that, doing homework, making projects, submitting all the work and more. Apart from this, due to not going out, playing games on mobile, chatting with friends, etc. all work is going online. No matter that the children of villages are lacking in the data of mobile, the children of cities are also lacking in the data of eyes. If this goes on for the whole year, then we would be saved from coming to school, but later we would not be able to come to school and even if we survived, then everyone will have replaced earphones with ear listening machine, minus ten (-10) in eyes Wearing spectacles or holding blind stick, and sitting on a wheelchair or holding crutch in hands will only make us able to come to school. The initial symptoms of which have started coming. We will deal with this epidemic, but the second epidemic will be faced by our country.
The future is waiting for children….
Both classes are lacking behind, the advantaged and the disadvantaged, between the devil and deep sea. If the teacher sits at home for four days, then will the teacher lose honor? If we children do not read for four days, then what big tasks could we do? There was a zero-session fashion in the universities, but still along with making a small earning, have made a small respect amongst people.
This online teaching is a compulsion for someone, it looks like making fun of someone. Presently, the class of teachers is suffering and all the students should be ready to suffer in future.